Five Things Everyone Should Do When Moving Into a New House

Moving into a new house is exciting. And the first thing most people do is figure out where their furniture is going to go or what extra things they need to buy. But as Lee Corso would say on ESPN’s Game Day, “not so fast, my friend!” There are some very important things that need to come first.

1. Change the Locks

This should be a no-brainer. Even if you trust the previous owner, who knows how many times that key has been passed around to various contractors, service providers, or sketchy relatives. Heck, maybe THEY never changed the locks when they were the ones moving into a new house! You can DIY this one if you want, but I recommend calling a locksmith. You may even get a price break if you supply the new locks.

2. Check for Plumbing Leaks

I know, I know. Your home inspector did this during inspection. But that was probably weeks ago. Check under the sinks and around the toilets for any water stains. If you see any water coming from the ceiling or walls, call a professional immediately. That is NOT a first time DIY project!

Here’s a great way you can check on unseen leaks: Check your water meter at the beginning and end of a two-hour window in which no water is being used in your house. If the reading is different, you have a leak.

3. Wipe Out Your Cabinets

When you are moving into a new house, the last thing you want to do is clean. But when you are packing, make sure you keep a pair of rubber gloves and some cleaning products in an easy-to-find box. Cleaning out cabinets, drawers, etc. is SO much easier when they are empty.

*Side note: when I work with a Buyer, I always suggest including that the Seller pay to have the property professionally cleaned prior to the closing date. Most of the time, the Seller agrees. But it never hurts to do a quick wipe down after those pros have done their work.

4. Steam Clean Carpets

Again, I would strongly suggest you request this work be done by a professional PRIOR to the closing date. But if it is not part of your contract (and you have the ability to wait a day or two between closing and move-in), you can pay a professional carpet cleaning service to freshen up the carpets before you put your furniture down on them. You can try to do it yourself, but if you check out the linked video, you’ll realize it isn’t a short project to do on moving day!

5. Introduce Yourself to Your Circuit Breaker Box and Main Water Valve

When you are moving into a new house, you have to know where these things are! If a leak occurs and you don’t know where you water shutoff is, how are you going to stop that leak? All homes have a shut off near the street, but most homes also have another shut off somewhere around the house. Find it. Is it a ball valve? A gate valve? There are different kinds. Know which way they turn.

Now it’s time to find the circuit breaker. Is it inside your home? Outside? Do you have an outdoor breaker box that controls pool equipment? If your home is older, it’s possible there is an additional box that was put in to accommodate electrical load issues.

Good, you found it! Is it labelled correctly? Here’s a fun game you can play with the family. Flip the breakers individually and see what it turns off. Label correctly as you are doing this. In a few months, you are going to love that you know which breaker controls what.

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