How To Fix The Housing Market

The housing market is always going to be dynamic. But I always prefer steady as opposed to volatile! So this story drove me a little crazy.

I have clients that are moving from out of state. They want to continue to use their previous mortgage lender. I usually believe a lender in the local housing market is better than out of state. But if you have a relationship with someone who makes you comfortable, that's fine. However...

They sent an email to my clients letting them know they would NOT be giving them a home loan until the housing market settles down. They went on to say that they recommend my clients rent for the rest of the year.

Needless to say, my clients were very angry at their lender. They don't want to rent; they want to buy!

While I understand their anger, my emotion was actually total confusion. Forget for a moment that they are actively telling a customer that they do not want their business. How can we settle the market down unless we continue to do business??? And I ask this question to anyone and everyone thinking of doing a real estate deal.

If we want the market to be more consistent, we need more players. The more people that want to sell, the better. The more people that want to buy, the better. If you are actively holding out from the market, waiting for it to settle, you could be waiting a while. The only way to make it happen sooner than later is to be a part of it NOW!

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